Each side of the wire should go completely around the loop 3 times. Of course, the shorter the antenna, the poorer the performance will be. Sgc mac200 antenna operating manual pdf viewdownload. Page 2 stealth antennas no c omp r omis e c o m m u ni ca t i o n s sgc inc. Imho this is going to do better and be more stealth than a ham antenna with traps and things on it. Greyline 16foot dx flagpole antenna plus sgc 237 remote antenna tuner. Performance and results may vary and sgc does not warrant any in stallation or any result.
The sg235 antenna coupler is the companion antenna tuner for the amplifier. User manuals, guides and specifications for your sgc smartuner sg230 antenna, tuner. View and download sgc smartuner sg230 manual online. Database contains 1 sgc mac200 manuals available for free online viewing or downloading in pdf. Summary of contents for sgc stealth kit page 2 we are proud of the stealth kit as it provides an antenna system that is automatic, easy to install and easy to use. Stealth antenna experiencesstealth antenna experiences from cliffrom clif ss ham radio connection ham radio connection. A real hoa flagpole antenna and stealth hf vertical dipole, an allband vertical antenna. Sgc, manufacturing hf communications, antenna couplers. There is a link to their publications where they have downloadable manuals and also one on using their products with stealth antennas. Sg231s m a r t u n ermicroprocessor controlled automatic antenna couplerinstallation and operations manualgetting the most from every watt of hf ssb. Stealth ez end fed antenna and sg239 smart tuner an indoor. It helps to lay out the antenna on the ground while doing this.
Examples include fixed whip antennas like sgc s sg307 whip and 10 foot collapsible whips available from a number of vendors. The input tx side capacitors and relays are at the bottom in the picture above, the coils are on the left, and the output capacitors are at. Ive had one since around 2012 used in sloper and dipole antenna configurations. Stealth antennas the columbia amateur radio club presents. The only real disadvantage of the sgc 230 from the authors point of view, is that it is not designed for use with balanced antennas. Dont forget that if you feed a vertical antenna you have to have a suitable ground radial system or it wont work very well. Portable whip antennas make excellent radiators and can be used in a number of configurations. With this tuner and any single antenna, you will have continuous coverage from 1. The arrl antenna book for radio communications arrl 7. View online or download sgc stealth kit quick start manual. Factors are graded a best to f least, just like school. An hf antenna with a single wire feed not coax fed.
Hf antennas especially stealth models for those in an hoa by dave land kd5fx. It feeds a length of socalled stealth antenna wire that runs up and over some trees. Looking for sg239 smartuner feedback, pros and cons. Stealth antennas smartuner antenna coupler manuals. Current stock status at these ham radio outlet locations. The standard method for operating a dipole antenna on all hf bands is to feed it with openwire line ladder line and connect it to an atu situated next to the transmitter. Quick start manual sgc stealth kit quick start manual 44 pages. Center fed stealth antenna tree supported delta loop chapter 6 indoor antennas 22 indoor loops apartment loop portable loaded loop attic antennas chapter 7 construction techniques 25 wire antennas weather mounting the sgc smartuners chapter 8 conclusion 27 glossary 28.
Greyline 20foot dx flagpole antenna plus sgc 237 remote antenna tuner. Sgc smartuner sg230 manual pdf download manualslib. Stealth hoa 20 dx flagpole antenna no radials 1606m. Stealth quad loop antenna this technical note describes the procedure for setting up a multiturn loop using a 20 foot 6 meter fiberglass, telescoping pole and the sgc stealth kit. The unit is built to last, with the highest quality components and backed by sgc s standard 1 year warranty and industry leading technical service. Or, use the stealth in city apartments where access to roofs or large open areas is restricted. Hf users guide go mobile at 500 watts stealth antennas smartuner antenna coupler manuals this manual is produced as a guideline for the sg239 antenna coupler.
Sgc sg230 i have always been whats known as an appliance operator with the sg230 smart tuner i have an indoor point and shoot antenna for 160 10 meters. I drive the antenna system with an icom 235 and a 500w icom 2kl amp on ssb. Antenna on air stealth tuner install cost 6m 10m 12m 15m 17m 20m 30m 40m 80m 160m flagpole b a remote d f c b b b b a a c d d dekorra 30in x 23in well pump. Dipole easy and cheap to build, can be made with small gauge wire for stealth applications suggest 18ga black wire from frys single band antenna when fed by coax works good for multibands when fed by open wire line and using. You can download their stealth manual that give a lot of good information on types of antennas. It is possible to extend the coverage of a dipole or other type of antenna by installing a conventional manual tuner in the feed line, but efficiency falls off.
Sgc sg231 some require 12 vdc, others are powered over the coax mfj926b. The feedline and power cable are buried in a shallow trench from the house out to the nearby tree line, and the sgc is attached to the back side of a tree, about 2 off the ground to keep it out of all but the deepest snowfalls. My main hf antenna is an extended double zepp cut for 14mhz, fed with 300ohm twinlead. These instructions can easily be adapted to other available poles simply by adjusting the dimensions. It is possible to extend the coverage of a dipole or other type of antenna by installing a conventional manual tuner in the feed line, but efficiency falls off rapidly as. Greyline 20foot dx flagpole antenna, a real flagpole approved for ham radio in hoa, smart design for stealth, no radials, ocf vertical antenna, a verticaldipole, for 1606m. Apr 18, 2010 using a sgc 237 at base of force 12 vertical23 high. This manual is produced as a guideline for the sg239 antenna coupler. After doing a lot of research, i found the sg230 to be the best fit for my situation. Database contains 2 sgc smartuner sg230 manuals available for free online viewing or downloading in pdf. Able to work dx well on 20seems like a great stealth set up.
View online operating manual for sgc mac200 antenna or simply click download button to examine the sgc mac200 guidelines offline on your desktop or laptop computer. Have a current balun between the tuner input coax and the coax to the shack good quality. Accordatore dantenna automatico sg 237 con kit stealth. Run the stealth wire around the loop, through the tie wraps from both sides, ending with the remainder of the wires at the ends of the cross piece. Stealth wire antennas, however, often have the same gain as non stealth wire antennas.
This went on for a few weeks until i broke down and bought an sgc smart tuner. Palstar bt1500a 1500 watt double l balanced antenna tuner manual. But when erected as an invertedv you gain a couple of spoints 10 12db in the. The stealth kit is also a great antenna solution when you are on vacation.
Indoor hf stealth antenna indoor antenna help by k2zs. Further information regarding applications, installation and operation can be downloaded from our website. I am currently using my sgc 230 on a stealth antenna. Yaesu ft890 with ez end fed antenna and sg239 smart tuner gives great results and is ideal as a stealth antenna. Please follow the instructions and cautions detailed in the sgc manuals. Ive been running it about a year now with great results. Sgc smartuners for stealth antennas free click on download your copy today. Smarter, stronger, and more elegant allband ham radio antenna option. The following is my opinion based on 8 years of ownership. Jan 03, 2019 get an sgc or other good auto tuner to install at the base of a metal flagpole. Jan 30, 2009 you can also use it to tune dipoles and loop antennas. Smartuner sg230pro, smartuner sg235, smartuner sg231.
A real hoa flagpole and stealth hf vertical dipole, an allband vertical antenna. On the last loop, take the wire from the ends of the crosspiece. Sgc continues to focus on providing the most useful. The use of a balun transformer on the feeder to a nonresonant antenna is also nonoptimal, and sgc specifically advises against doing so when using the sgc 230. Stealth antennas usually have lower gain than fullsize yagis. The unit is built to last, with the highest quality components and backed by sgc s standard 1 year warranty and industry. If youd like a better idea on how it works go to sgc world. May 17, 2009 sgc sgc235 500 watt auto tuner antenna coupler. Smarter, stronger and more elegant allband ham radio antenna option. Sgc sg230 5414 antenna tuners automatic, sg230 5414.
Sgc reserves the right to change the specifica tions without notice. View online manual for sgc sg303 antenna or simply click download button to examine the sgc sg303 guidelines offline on your desktop or laptop computer. Laccordatore d antenna automatico sg 237 ed il kit stealth sono prodotti della casa sgc. You can see that when erected in a straight line the dipole is quite directional. Greyline 24foot dx flagpole antenna plus sgc 237 remote antenna tuner. The sgc 230 smartuner and its use in a balanced antenna.
This is how i used an sgc sg230 antenna tuner to make an indoor hf loop antenna. Sgc smartuner sg230 manuals and user guides, antenna, tuner. Any location, any radio and any situation the stealth kit is the perfect choice for a quick and convenient antenna solution. Sgc mac200 operating manual pdf download manualslib. Sgc mac200 manuals and user guides, antenna manuals all. Instead of using continuously variable tuning elements, the sgc antenna coupler uses relayswitched capacitors and coils, which are selectable in binary increments. Sgc smartuner sg230 manuals and user guides, antenna. Included in the manual were to designs that would work for my situation. This fiveband loftmounted antenna has been used at two locations with great results. See why the dx flagpole antenna is called a highperformance antenna system. According to the sgc manual, antenna couplers are placed at the antenna and match conditions of the antenna to the feed line in a very precise manner. One popular antenna uses a whip erected as a vertical antenna with radial wires extending from its base. The antenna tuners builtin to some transceivers are designed only to correct for.
Thank you for choosing the american made, sgc stealth. The villages amateur radio club 2015 antenna guide for the. User manuals, guides and specifications for your sgc mac200 antenna. Whether in an rv or a hotel room, the stealth kit is a grab and go box filled with everything you need to complete your communications center.
The mac200 is something completely new, an antenna switching system that includes built in intelligent tuning to trim the line before going into your transceiver. February 19, 2015 tvarc antenna guide for the villages 10 flagpole antenna on air stealth tuner install cost 6m 10m 12m 15m 17m 20m 30m 40m 80m 160m flagpole b a remote d f c b b b b a a c d d before we start what does the summary antenna chart mean. Sgc smartuners most of the following is drawn from sgc s dttidocumentation ildiincluding the hf users gidguide, smartuners for stealth applications and the stealth kit manual. Sgc smartuner sg211 operating manual pdf download manualslib. We have 1 sgc stealth kit manual available for free pdf download. A good ground or counterpoise for the antenna and coupler. Putting the lc network at the antenna end of a coaxial feedline eliminates loss in that feedline. Hf antennas especially stealth models for those in an hoa. Understanding your s meter understanding your smeter. It is a wire tuner that is fully automatic and can tune from 3. Some manual tuners provide for two or sometimes three antennas with an ability to tune them, but now sgc has taken the next step and added an intelligent tuner to the control station. I use the sgc 230 at the base of my 43 vertical with only 6 ground radials.
Home amateur radio antenna tuners automatic antenna tuners. The sgc manual has a whole section on stealth antennas. I found a way to have a reliable indoor hf antenna despite my antenna restrictions. Antenna tuners, on the other hand, are generally located at the transmitter output at the radio end of the coaxial feed line. Sgc stealth kit quick start manual pdf download manualslib.
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